Cheat sheets
Screw long documentation, I’ll learn by example
Quick reference
a: b
property a
of type b
a: b someMod[modType: value]
property a
of type b
, and also we know that a
has setting someMod
, and
that setting’smodType
is set to value
. Modifiers can:
specify filtering parameters and variable domains
a:int always[a> 5]
or justa:int [a>5]
defines possible value rangea:int typically[a<10]
or[a ~< 10]
define reasonable value range -
add semantic info, specify data format or middlewares.
comp1.inName -- format[json] ---> comp2.outName
hostname~dev =
tilde (~
) is used to define deploy-specific (or machine/user-specific) values.
hostname ~username:user ~nodename:node
MyComponent of version 1.
MyComponent variant (design draft) varX
MyComponent!varX :component(
-completely_removed_stuff: str
-old_field: int
+new_replacing_field: int
kept_stuff: float
+completely_new: str
_source: src/app/
defines binding to source files
_import: URI/
share with everyone[private]
do not share outside of dev group[external]
described here, but we do not control that
defines business data structure
MyDataSchema: schema [size ~ 30 bytes] [version=V1] (
a: int [id]
b: float [b>0]
dt: str
d: enum[MyEnum: value1, value2, value3]
Cluster is a set of nodes (think of autoscaling group).
Node is a machine, virtual or dedicated.
Storages store data. Stored schema is usually different than business logic’s schema.
Apps are running services or scheduled periodically firing pipelines. Apps are made of components, which define pieces of logic. Usually we do not care what happens inside them
Layers can be skipped.
is “read from”<
is “write to”|
is “triggered from outside”;| something |
states thatsomething
happens outside of the app / component.-
|> apiName: intype > outtype >|
- api definitionstream
is a sequence of objects which we dispatch one by one
is a
MyApp: app (
comp1: component (
|> config: sigle[config]
> inName: stream[datatype]
< outName: batch[datatype]
|> apiName: stream[indatatype] > stream[outdatatype] >|
<| callName: stream[outDataType] < stream[inDataType] |<
Storages store data. Not all data inside belongs to business schema; some fields are technical.
MyDB: storage (
mytable: schema (